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Trusted Real Estate in Maryland

Lennox Lloyd is a leading provider of services in real estate in Maryland. Founded and operated by real estate expert Lennox Lloyd, our real estate firm has helped countless homeowners buy, sell and lease properties and produce the best results and returns for over 25 years. Throughout our career, we’ve shifted and adapted to the constantly evolving condition of the housing market, ensuring our clients can achieve real estate success regardless of time or place. If you want to buy, sell or lease a property or you want guidance for a real estate venture, contact us today.

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About Lennox Lloyd, Licensed Realtor

Mr. Lennox Lloyd, GRI, MRP, is a fully licensed and seasoned realtor and real estate consultant, helping clients successfully buy and sell homes since 1996. Mr. Lloyd provides a wide array of real estate services that involve buying, selling, and leasing commercial and residential properties, including estate sales and property probate cases.

Mr. Lloyd has fulfilled many positions within the real estate industry over the years aside from realtor, serving as a loan officer and title producer throughout various points in his career. His range of experience and expertise within different roles give Mr. Lloyd a unique perspective. He’s able to assess real estate issues from the point of view of many positions, providing clients with a comprehensive understanding of what’s best for their situation.

Mr. Lloyd has also served as a training coach for new realtors, a construction project manager, property photographer, network analyst and software analyst throughout his career. Simply put, Mr. Lennox has done and seen everything within the real estate industry, and he’s ready to bring his lifetime of realty experience to serve you next.

Trust Is Key to Your Success

We’ve built and maintained a reputation for trustworthiness and dependability. We do so by communicating openly and regularly with our clients, keeping them involved with every step in the real estate process. From the moment we meet to the moment you close, you’ll feel confident knowing you have a trusted real estate professional on your side. Contact us today.

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