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Home Selling & Buying in Maryland

Lennox Lloyd offers information on home selling and buying in Maryland. Contact us to learn more.


How to Sell Your Home

We’ve answered your questions on how to sell your home.

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Realtors use comparative market analysis and appraisal to determine the worth of homes. Analysis and appraisal help you and your realtor determine an ideal listing price or the price you offer. Contact us to learn more today.

Most home sellers must disclose pertinent information, or material facts, about their home. Material facts include information on the home’s condition and legal status. Disclosing facts could prevent lawsuits and legal issues in the future.

In a seller’s financial situation, the seller issues a credit against the home’s purchase price. The buyer must then make a significant down payment and monthly payments to the seller.

Contact your lender immediately. You may be able to set up a payment solution that works for both of you. You can also contact your mortgage insurance provider and inquire about having your mortgage covered until you can pay again. Ensure you do everything to keep your credit score in good standing.

Potential costs may occur, including a real estate commission, advertising costs, closing fees, taxes, and more. A real estate agent can help you assess and organize your selling costs.

A lease is a contractual agreement where a renter can choose to buy their rented property from the owner at any given time.

Here are some helpful tips on successfully negotiating a sale:

  • Stay flexible. Refrain from going into your sale with an all-or-nothing attitude. Doing so could strain your buyer/seller relationship and reputation.
  • Stay cautious. Keep your selling strategy between you and your realtor.
  • Stay rational. Keep your emotions or impulses out of your decision-making to ensure a straightforward and successful sale.

Some costs may be deductible according to your gain. A real estate agent will help you determine tax-deductible costs.

Though hiring a real estate agent isn’t required, your odds of home selling success will increase significantly by having a real estate agent on your side. Real estate agents act as advocates for your success, helping you navigate and negotiate throughout the process for the most favorable outcomes.


How to Buy Your Home

We’ve answered your questions about how to buy a home.

Homes allow you to live within your own place free from landlords and rent. Equity and tax incentives are also great reasons to consider buying a home if you feel prepared to take that next step in your life.

Realtors use comparative market analysis and appraisal to determine the worth of homes. Analysis and appraisal help you and your realtor determine an ideal listing price or the price you offer. Contact us to learn more today.

Closing costs are expenses that occur after a sale is finalized. Closing costs affect both buyer and seller, and they cost roughly five percent over the purchasing prices. However, there are a few ways to reduce or eliminate closing costs. Contact us to learn more.

Though not required, hiring a home inspector is a wise choice and recommended. Home inspectors detect potential defects and problems with your desired home, saving you time and money in the future.

Lenders require some forms of home insurance. Additional optional insurance is recommended because it keeps you and your home protected. Contact us to learn more about home insurance options.

A lease is a contractual agreement where a renter can choose to buy their rented property from the owner at any given time.

Here are some helpful tips on successfully negotiating your buy:

  • Stay flexible. Refrain from going into your buy with an all-or-nothing attitude. Doing so could strain your buyer/seller relationship and reputation.
  • Stay cautious. Keep your buying strategy between you and your realtor.
  • Stay rational. Keep your emotions or impulses away from your decision-making to ensure a clear and successful buy.

Property taxes are reinvested back into your city, state and community like all tax money. However, there are ways to contest your property tax. Contact us today to learn how.

Yes. Your home will provide a range of tax benefits. Contact us today to learn more about the potential tax advantages of buying a home.

Though hiring a real estate agent isn’t required, your odds of home buying success will increase significantly by having a real estate agent on your side. Real estate agents act as advocates for your success, helping you navigate and negotiate throughout the process for the most favorable outcomes.

Learn more about where and what types of homes to buy.

It depends on your preferences and what you can buy. Condos and townhomes differ in terms of ownership, amenities, rules and regulations. Contact us today to discuss condos and townhomes further.

A co-op set-up is when people buy stock in the company that owns their apartment building. Co-ops offer a range of tax advantages and expense reductions. Contact us today to learn more.

That depends on your desire and patience level. Certain tax breaks may apply for fixer-uppers depending on the situation. Contact us to learn more today.

Lenders repossess or foreclose on a property when the owner cannot or will not pay the mortgage anymore. Foreclosure properties offer a range of benefits. Contact us to learn more today.

It’s certainly a possibility. However, builder expenses play a role in buying and negotiating price points. Contact us to learn more about the new home buying process.

Like all investments, vacation homes contain risks and the possibilities of excellent returns. You can enjoy rental homes for yourself, rent them out or build equity for resale value. Contact us to learn more about vacation home investments today.

Location is the most critical factor in choosing a home. When buying a home, you’ll want to consider what you value in a community, the community’s general quality, and how it will affect your lifestyle. Ensure your purchase is located in an area you’ll feel happy in and can afford.

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