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Probate & Estate Sales in Baltimore, MD

Dealing with the aftermath of a loved one’s death is never easy. If you become responsible for a loved one’s property or belongings after they pass away, trust Lennox Lloyd to provide counsel and guidance for probate & estate sales in Baltimore, MD. Our real estate professional, Mr. Lennox Lloyd, possesses years of experience with all aspects of the real estate industry. Contact us today if you want a seasoned, results-driven real estate advisor to guide you through and achieve success.

neighborhood with well manicured lawns

Estate Sales

Sometimes, selling and liquidating a home and its assets is necessary. If you or your loved one passes away or can no longer live in the current residence, the burden of maintaining the property passes on to those next in line. If you want to rid yourself of your property after leaving it, or you don’t want to take on responsibility for your loved one’s property, contact us today.

Mr. Lennox Lloyd, a seasoned real estate agent and consultant, will help you organize, plan and ensure your estate liquidation is completed smoothly. Mr. Lennox will form a detailed record of the items you want to keep and those you wish to sell, appraising the liquidated items at a fair value so you receive the most money from the sale.

aerial view of neighborhood


If your loved one passes away, you may be the legal executor of their residence or property. If this is your case, do you want to keep the property and take responsibility? If you answered “no,” we encourage you to contact us today.

Our real estate consultant Mr. Lennox Lloyd will guide you throughout the probate real estate process from conception to completion, ensuring you receive a fair appraisal, visible property listing and a final sale that earns you the most returns.

A Trusted and Dependable Real Estate Expert

For over 25 years, Mr. Lloyd has helped countless families through the most challenging losses of their lives by settling their probate and real estate affairs so they can move on to a brighter future. If you’re unsure of which path to take in the event of your loved one’s loss, we will be there to assess the estate or property and form a plan to achieve the best results.

Schedule a Consultation Today