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Property Selling in Maryland

Lennox Lloyd provides services for a wide range of property selling in Maryland. Our real estate professional, Lennox Lloyd, has served home and property owners as a real estate agent, loan officer, title producer, and consultant throughout his career. Mr. Lennox knows the housing market and real estate industry from many perspectives, and he’ll use his vast experience to help you succeed in your property sale. Contact us today to learn more.

new home with dark wood exterior

Selling Your Property

Putting your home on the market and selling it off to its next owner is among the most significant decisions you’ll make in life. When it comes time to sell finally, you want the most trusted real estate professional on your side. Real estate agent and consultant Lennox Lloyd is on your side.

Mr. Lloyd deploys his years of knowledge and vast experience in the housing market to provide you with a successful sale. Mr. Lloyd will first meet with you to discuss how much money you want for your home and determine an accurate, honest appraisal according to your home’s market value. From there, Mr. Lennox will help you develop effective financing or lease rates.

Lennox Lloyd is here to guide and educate you about negotiating prices and offers so you receive the best deal from your sale possible.

Schedule a Consultation Today